Happy 2016!

The new year is here and this is typically a time when people consider new patterns for their lives. This past Sunday, there was a big focus on connecting with God in the new year. Like all changes, it's easier said than done. I want to make sure you know about our resources that can help you take your next step in the new year.



If you look at our STEP pages (Link here or above) you will find a few options to help you take steps with God, your marriage, family, finances or at The Journey. There's tools and resources to help you take steps that are practical and easy. There's different ways The Journey can help you and there's booklets full of ideas that can help you take steps in the Core Essentials like how to make Jesus the Center of your life. I encourage you to check out all the resources online, at the Next Steps Center and don't forgot about our Journey Night Classes.


If you are trying to take steps with God and your aren't sure what to do, I want to encourage you to pick up the Starting Line Pack at the Next Steps Center at church. It's a great place to start with God. There's some info, insight and a One Minute Bible for Starters. On the Steps with God page, there's also good insight about how to pray and helpful things to gain insight from God's words in the Bible. 



You can watch this past Sunday's thoughts for inspiritation below. It's great to have good intentions, but these tools can help you take steps to experience your best life in a relationship with Jesus.