This past Sunday we wrapped up the What on Earth Am I Here For? series as we looked at finding purpose. In Christ, we can find who we are and what to live for; so If we walk in God's ways, we will always be in His will. His ways can lead us to our purpose. The more we walk in His ways, the closer we get to God. The closer we are to God, the more we experience His guidance & purposes in our lives.

So how do I walk in God's ways? We talked about being less concerned about the details like "Where?" "When?" & "What?" and being more concerned with things like "How" we are living and "Who" we are becoming. The Core Essentials are a great guide for our lives:


Here's a good starting point or next step. Pick one of the Core Essentials. Check out the packet on the webpage for one of the Core Essentials. There are resources, Bible readings, prayers, ideas books, and questions to help you walk in God's ways. Keep taking steps & experience a life of purpose.